Student Guidelines
- Appearance
- Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Etc.
- Cell Phones
- Conduct & Discipline
- Lunch Guidelines
- Personal Belongings
- Open Campus
The general philosophy of Walla Walla Public Schools with regard to dress is to promote positive relationships and minimize disruptions caused by individual attire to the educational process within the schools. Please wear attire to school that is appropriate to the educational setting, decent, and modest. Any apparel, jewelry, accessory, writing on notebooks, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute denoting membership in a gang or advocating drug or alcohol use, sex, violence or disruptive behavior is considered inappropriate. When staff deem that a student’s clothing is a disruption to the educational process, the school reserves the right to modify the dress of a student or students.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Etc.
Students who bring bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc. to school must comply with the school guidelines. Failure to do so will jeopardize their privilege of bringing their bicycles, skateboard, scooters, etc. to school. Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc. should not be ridden on the school property during the school day. Students who ride bicycles to school should keep them securely locked to the bike racks provided. Do not leave bikes unlocked or on campus overnight!
Cell Phones
Lincoln’s cell phone policy in the classroom is determined at teacher discretion. Staff may require cell phones to be an “out of sight, out of mind policy” in their classroom. During class time, teachers may require that student cell phones be shut off and put away. Students using cell phones during class time will receive a warning first. If the cell phone continues to be a disruption, staff may confiscate the phone for the remainder of the period and/or day. If cell phone use is excessive and continues to cause a significant disruption to the educational setting, the phone may be confiscated and sent to the office to be collected by a parent/guardian. Students who continue to violate the cell phone policy may lose the privilege to have their cell phone at school.
Conduct & Discipline
Rules and Expectations
Lincoln High School is a community, and the rules and expectations of the school are the law of the community. All those enjoying the rights of citizenship in our school community must also accept the responsibilities of citizenship. Understanding and living up to those responsibilities while in school is part of an education and contributes to success in the workplace and life after high school. Faculty and staff work to maintain an orderly and productive work environment in the school and classrooms. Behavior which disrupts this learning environment and interferes with the teacher’s right to teach or other student’s right to learn is not allowed. Students are expected to respectfully follow directions given by any staff member.
All expectations apply to students
1) On the school grounds, which includes: classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, field,
playground, parking lot, library, etc.
2) When they are in reasonable proximity of school grounds during, before and after school hours.
3) On school grounds during any other time when the school is being used by a school group.
4) Off school grounds during a school sponsored activity or event and on school buses.
School Detention
When a student’s behavior is disruptive, staff may find it necessary to assign detention. The following process is used:
- A time will be arranged within a 24 hour period of the behavior.
- Every attempt will be made to inform a parent or guardian of the behavior and consequence. This could be done by staff or student.
- Detention may begin no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start of school or no longer than 30 minutes after school.
If the student fails to keep this detention appointment, an additional consequence may be added to the initial detention. Parent contact will also be initiated.
Disciplinary Action
If a student's choices result in a behavior referral, the student's parent/guardian will be contacted. Repeated poor choices will result in a progression of consequences. One or more of the following consequences could be assigned for a behavior referral:
- Intervention Specialist Referral
- In School Suspension (ISS)
- Short term suspension
- Long term suspension
- Emergency Expulsion
In School Suspension (ISS)
Lincoln Alternative High School operates an In School Suspension program as an alternative to having students suspended from school. ISS is a short-term suspension from the student’s regularly scheduled school day. Staff is notified by the ISS Supervisor of a student’s placement in the ISS room and for how long. The student completes their school work in the ISS room; where the supervisor monitors student’s work for the duration of his/her stay. During ISS, students are isolated from their peers. Students who continue to engage in inappropriate behaviors in the ISS classroom will immediately loose the privilege, and progressive discipline may result in out of school suspension
Lunch Guidelines
Personal Belongings
Students should not bring large amounts of money or items of great value to school. If they must for some reason, the valuables should be left in the office for safe keeping. Electronic equipment such as IPods, MP3 players, Game boys, CD Players, headphones, etc. may be used before school, after school and at lunch. A teacher may grant exceptions in their own classroom if the use contributes to the instructional and/or educational effort. Lincoln’s electronic policy is determined by teacher discretion. During all other times of the day, they should be put completely away unless the teacher has given permission to have them out. If students bring out electronic equipment during the school day, students will first be warned. If it continues to be an issue, electronic devices may be confiscated at the discretion of staff and sent to the office to be collected by a parent/guardian. Any case of theft or vandalism should be reported to the office immediately. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items, but we will do our best to help students recover their property.
Open Campus
Lincoln has an open campus ONLY during the lunch period. This means that students will be allowed to leave campus during our regularly scheduled lunch time. However, in order for open campus to continue, students must comply with the following guidelines:
1) Students must be back on campus and on time to their afternoon classes.
2) While off campus, students must be good neighbors in our community. This means that they will not litter, they will not loiter on neighborhood sidewalks or in nearby alleyways, and that they will be mindful and respectful of neighbors as well as local community businesses.
3) Students are also asked not to gather in large groups around the surrounding neighborhood.
*If there are an excessive number of students who are absent or tardy to afternoon classes or we are receiving an excessive number of complaints from neighbors and/or businesses in our community, campus will be closed and all students will be expected to remain on the school grounds from the time of arrival until dismissal.